To develop a community of curious learners with a love for learning and interest in their growth and development. We also desire to have a strong support system through family fellowship and skills training.


To provide child care safety in an environment with a welcoming atmosphere that creates a sense of belonging amongst the families, and an avenue for high-quality learning for curious learners.

About Us

Govera Schools Egan originated from the defunct Charlesville schools situated at 36 Isiaka Olorunfemi Street, by Olorunfemi bus stop Egan in 2002. The founder, astute proprietress, Mrs Okoye Veronica Uchenna , a renowned educationist who has a wide experience from Anambra state education commission as headmistress class three, to being a former principal of Nodos International school, left the school to establish Govera Schools. The proprietress had her NCE certificate in 1985 to usher her foray into education. As at today, she has added to her alluring qualifications a degree in English Education from the prestigious University of Nigeria, Nsukka. A masters degree in English education from the Lagos state university and currently pursuing a certificate course from Buckingham University, United Kingdom.

With an experience spanning over thirty years in the education field, Govera Schools was born on strong footing in education. The School started with only creche, Nursery and Primary schools before adding the secondary arm in 2015. It moved from its original address to No 12, Michael Ajayi Street before relocating currently to No 26 Zion Way Egan, it's permanent site. Govera Schools has stood the test of time and has its graduates scattered all over Nigerian universities and some of its graduates are already making their marks in the Nigerian society and business world. The School has participated in so many competitions and has defeated and won so many laurels in those competitions. Worthy of mention is the Nigerian Conservation Fund competitions organized yearly to mark the conservation day. Other local and few international competitions has exposed the pupils and students to exchange programs outside their environment.

Govera Schools is undergoing its final processes to acquiring a final approval for waec, neco and other external exams. School is fully equipped with standard laboratories, libraries, ICT /computer rooms, Home economics lab, Basic tech labs, CCA labs and a functional basketball, table tennis courts and large halls for assemblies and large occasions. The School is waxing stronger everyday and has not deviated from the original core values of excellence, quality education, high moral standards, and building exceptional leaders of tomorrow as expounded by its founding fathers. It hopes to extend its branches even outside Lagos and its environs. Govera Schools is a coeducational school built on Christian values and high societal and strong family values.

List of books SS 1 - 3

Core subjects

(1) Continuous assessment to be bought in school


A one mathematics to be bought in school

Essential mathematics by AJS oluwasanmi Dictionary of
mathematics by B.O Soyemi

Graph book, scientific calculator Casio FX-82 Ms 2nd edition, maths set


New concept English by A Ademola Adeoye

Common error in English

Oxford advance learner dictionary


Essential biology by mc Michael

progress in biology by lawal et Al Rasmed 2019 edition

Essential practical biology by Olaniyan B.A

exam focus Egunyomi et al

Civic education

Civic education by Akanbi Ojodu Etal

Civic education by R.W OKuloye

Ict /computer (data processing) New computer studies by J.O.E otuka et al


Drama,prose and poetry to be bought in school

Tonad essential Christian Rel. studies by Orovwuje B.O et Al

Essential Government by Chris Dibie

Essential Economics by Clie Esan And


New further mathematics scholastic series by TR Moses

New school physics by M.w Anyakoha

senior secondary certificate practical physics by B.L.N udupu and P.N okeke

New school chemistry by Ossai y Ababbio Excellence in chemistry by Cambridge

Stan agricultural science by Stan

Essential agricultural science by O.A iwena


Simplify and amplifier book keeping and accounting by longer femi

Essential financial accounting by R.A Ibrahi

Essential commence by O.A longer

List of books jss 1 - 3

English studies

Goodbye to failure

New concept English

Oxford advance learner dictionary

Morern English Grammar

continuous assessment. C.A




Hope of kunbi by S A Aris

Under pressure by M.Oluwasesan

imcorruptable judge


My last laugh by Dele Ajuwon

Errand of Grief by Oluchukwu Okoye


Next level poetry for Jss and college i.o, Quadri



A stitch in time by ceejay chubuike

Holy sinner by Asin Godstime


The northern boy by S.A Aris

Breeding scar by David David


Sunrise poetry for Jss2



drama, prose, poetry. To be bought in school


Jss 1-3

New concept mathematics by AA Arigbabu etal

WABP Essential maths for Jss by AJS oluwasanmi

new mathematical set

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